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Accelerate your Business growth with Microsoft Power BI

  1. NetCom Learning
  2. November 10, 2022 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm
  3. In this webinar I learned about Microsoft Analytics with Power BI. I’ve heard of Power BI, but was not completely informed on what it was and how to utilize it. I learned that Power BI is a collection of software, services, apps, and connectors. During the demo portion of the webinar, I was able to see the service in action. The walk through of the dashboard was extremely helpful to get started.
  4. This activity relates to my career goals, because it was a push to develop a new technical skill. When searching for Data Engineer/Analyst job postings, knowledge in Microsoft Power BI is a requirement I see often. Attending this webinar has provided new insight, where I can now talk about Power BI more. It also sparked an interest to do my own research on the service.
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