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  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • JSON
  • Machine learning
This Year
200 Points
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Data and Analytics Extra point assignment

The goal of this project is to provide students with additional hands-on experience in data analysis and reinforce the concepts and methods covered in class. For this project, I find a dataset from the kaggle about the heart failure and apply Decision Tree analysis to build the prediction that whether a person will die in the follow-up period. From this project I find that a patient has ejection fraction of more than 32%, and serum creatinine of less than 1.9 mg/dL, whose age is less than 80, and has creatinine phosphokinase of less than 5328 mcg/L have 92.2% chance to survive after a heart failure. I learned that Decision Tree analysis is a good tool to find the key features when use it to make a prediction model.

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