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Cyber Centers Counter Hack Chamionship

This past weekend I participated in the end result of a number of months of testing. The basis of the competition was to find New Jersey’s Brightest (unemployed)  minds in Offensive security AKA Ethical Hacking.

A number of tests over a few months dwindled the participants down from over 1000 to the top 100 in the state. Those 100 invited to take part in the first championship, myself among them.  The playing field was a program known as Net Wars, a system designed to emulate a live infiltration scenario starting with access to a simple linux box as a basic user and ending with you assuming control of the entire system as the System Administrator in a “king of the hill” scenario where you had to break in and patch the holes you created to maintain control.

My personal Results netted me a strong placement (27th place) in level 2 of the competition, which was gaining root control of the linux box and beginning to move out into the network.

The top 10 were promised a free place in a certification program for Ethical Hacking and Offensive Security, the top 25 would be considered for employment and the others left with the knowledge that we were good at something.  Which we are, the best hackers that NJ has to offer to the workforce.


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