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NBC Competition: what makes a movie successful?

In this presentation, our group set out to determine what makes a movie popular. To do this, we were given a large set of data to clean, analyze, and visualize to create a presentation. To start, we went through the process of data cleaning. This included: changing currencies, deleting outliers(records that were too old), and deleting data that was excessive or unnecessary. After this, we used pivot tables and Tableau to visualize our results. Finally, we created our final product in Photoshop. Here is a picture of our final product.

I learned a lot in this project. It gave me a new appreciation for data cleaning; I’ve never had to change that many rows of data in excel. I also enhanced my skills with Tableau, which will help me in my full-time job. Finally, I got more exposure with working on a team. My team and I got along well in this project so we were very successful.


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