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Cloud-Based Anayltics

As cloud-based alternatives have grown in acceptance and popularity for many business applications and functions, cloud-based analytics is one innovation that has taken a longer time to gain acceptance amongst businesses. Cloud-based analytics is an alternative solution to data analysis and business intelligence. While most data analytics processes have been done through software that’s on-site (or on premise), cloud analytics allows you to do your data analysis and other related tasks on a public or private cloud. This innovation took longer to gain traction because of fears over its security, its speed and dependability but over the last couple years more and more businesses have decided to switch over to this alternative as its capabilities continue to expand. Many businesses see the greatest benefit of Cloud analytics to be its ability to help increase collaboration within a business. With a cloud server datasets can be analyzed and taken from all over the organization with ease, no matter where it originated. These new capabilities along with minimizing hardware and software costs lead many to believe that cloud-based analytics will continue to grow in the future.

This new innovation directly relates to my Data Analytics course (MIS 2502). In this course we have learned the skills necessary to analyze data and turn it into information useful for a business. We have done all of this using on-site software and servers. The skills learned in this class are very useful and I can only imagine the impact data analytics could have a company when data sets and tools are much more easily accessible to a company to help improve the collaborative effort.

I was able to apply this in practice in my Data Science class as our skills that we learned using Tableau could be further applied in Tableau’s new “Tableau Public’. When working on a group project we were able to all access each other’s visualizations and work on them together without actually being at the same place and working on one computer. This ultimately led to better visualizations and better communication, I can only imagine the impact this has on widespread company projects.




Works Cited

“Cloud Analytics versus On-premises Analytics: Why Not Both?” Solver. N.p., 16 Feb. 2016. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. <>.

Myers, John. “Analytics in the Cloud.” ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES® (EMA™) End-User       Research Report (2015): n. pag. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. <>.

“What Is Cloud Analytics? – Definition from Techopedia.” N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. <>.

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