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Origlio Beverage Part-Time Production Assistant

Origlio Beverage was founded in 1933 by Antonio Origlio as a small beer business and has grown to distribute domestic, imported beers and a carries a variety of craft beers, ciders, and craft soda. It’s small customer base has now expanded to serve the five-county Philadelphia market and recently acquired another distributor to nearly double the serviced area. I have been employed at Origlio Beverage for over a year and work in the media and graphics department. During this time I have performed a multitude of tasks and projects for a majority of the accounts Origlio distributes too. I was able to learn about producing and designing the media that is seen all over restaurants and anywhere you can purchase beer. Some of the projects I assisted with creating included concerts, festivals, holiday activities, and events throughout the Philadelphia area. Additionally, I took on the role of traffic coordinator and learned how to use the companies’ intranet and internal database to manage all of the media requests. This required logging all the information needed to specify what media was to be produced and to track its progress from request to production and logging it off. The ability to monitor the media progression from request, to design, production, and completion gives us a way to know what materials were being used, adjustments made, the cost, and where the media physically was. Each job has specific requirements and deadlines to meet, so being able to monitor the job status step by step is extremely vital to operations and communication. Being able to use the database throughout each step of production allows for a transparent production process and successful outcome.

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