Community Platform
  • Accessibility
  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Agile
  • Ajax
  • more...
This Year
No Points
1165 Points
MIS Badge

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to validate the recipient

    • Special project for AISFall 2020
      Spring 2020

    • Fall 2020 adjustmentFall 2020

    • IT Career FairFall 2020
      Fall 2019

    • AIS Technical Development TrackSpring 2020
      Fall 2019

    • AIS Speaker Series TrackSpring 2020
      Fall 2019

    • Spring 2020 adjustmentSpring 2020

    • Other Career FairSpring 2019

        Connor Ross
        just received the Candidate badge
        Connor Ross
        received 150 points for Fall 2020 adjustment in Fall 2020
        Connor Ross
        added the following to their Skills and Interests - Accessibility, , Agile ...
        Connor Ross
        profile was updated
        Connor Ross
        received 150 points for Spring 2020 Adjustment in Spring 2020
      • More...
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