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Some of the courses that I have taken are Data-Centric App Development, and Digital Design and Innovation Studio. I’ve learned a lot from each and they have prepared me for my future career interests:

Data-Centric App Development: This class was all about coding. We learned HTML, CSS, and PHP, and used these languages to create websites that are linked to a database and can interact dynamically. I am very interested in the development side of IT, so this class allowed me to practice that interest and learn a great deal into how website work on the front and back end.

Digital Design and Innovation: This course split students up into groups, and each group worked on a semester long project. We learned all the basics of working on projects as Business Analysts, creating scope, use cases, status reports, and requirements documents. In the end we had create some solution to present to the client. We used Justinmind to create a prototype of the solution. Most IT outside of school is usually projects, so getting that experience as a BA and working on all those documents and the prototype really prepared us for future work on projects.

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