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Professional Development (AIS Mentorship Program)

AIS Mentorship Program

Fall 2019

For my second AIS mentorship during the Fall Semester of 2019, I was paired with Serdar Kurt. Unlike last year, where I primarily asked school oriented questions to my mentor, this year was much more focused on my professional growth. Multiple times we reviewed and altered my resume to match the professional expectations Fox holds for it’s students, as well the first steps needed in order to apply and obtain internships. He also helped me out understanding concepts taught in my major classes, including Data Analytics and Data Centric Application Development. This semesters mentorship was once again a good matchup, because I have no idea what my semester would’ve looked like without the guidance it offered.


Fall 2020

For the Fall Semester of my junior year I was once again a mentee for the AIS Mentorship Program. This semester we primarily focused on more technical skills compared to my previous mentors. While we did the general professional development activities such as consistently going over and reviewing my resume, as well as mock interviews, this mentorship was primarily focuses on what to expect for the future. My mentor, Aryanne Sokoloski, has abundant knowledge in what to expect not only with the future coursework ahead of me, but also the general job market for MIS majors during this ongoing pandemic. Overall I’d say that once again, this semesters mentorship was a purely positive experience as I gained a deeper understanding of what to expect with my major.


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