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Study Abroad

Study Abroad: Japan 2020

During the Spring Semester of 2020 I was allowed the privilege of studying abroad at the Temple University campus in Japan. While abroad, I was able to fulfill two general business classes, Risk Management with Caleb Gibbons and Managerial Accounting with David Sigaty along with a plethora of gen education classes that fulfilled most of my requirements.

Out of all the classes that I took abroad, Risk Management was a particularly interesting experience, as the course taught the general policies and markets of Japan in comparison to the rest of the world, particularly the United States and Canada. It was also through this class and Caleb Gibbons in which I was allowed to participate in a conference ran by the CFA Society of Japan knowing that it would help with my career in MIS.

This event was about the usage of Quantum Algorithms in Finance and was run by Dr. Mattia Fiorentini, the head of Machine Learning and Quantum Algorithms at Cambridge Quantum Computing. He explained the difference between quantum advantage and quantum supremacy as well as the fundamental difference between quantum  computers and general computers. This difference makes Quantum Computers operate more efficiently with heavier operations but worse when it comes to day to day activities of a business. Dr. Fiorentini is more than aware of this problem, so his and his team are  in the process of developing a hybrid algorithm that allows easier transfers of information from general use computers to quantum computers. Hybrid algorithms like this are extremely useful in when it comes to the data management and development of business and have been used by big companies like JP Morgan for option pricing and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia for portfolio re-balancing. I believe that advancements like this would be extremely beneficial to the MIS field, allowing the analysis of massive data pools from various companies as well as large scale analysis on social media.

The event as well as the entire experience was extremely eye opening on many aspects of the future of data management and technology as a whole. Despite the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 during my stay, I firmly believe that my study abroad experience taught me an entire cornucopia of  important aspects of business and the future of MIS technology.


CFA Society of Japan Event Page:


Lecture Pictures

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