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Career Aspirations

Adding Management Information Systems as a second major with International Business has opened up many more career opportunities for me. The international part of business has always been an interest to me and traveling is something I always wanted to be a part of my career. In the courses of my undergraduate studies at Temple University, I intend to learn how business is conducted in my own country but also how it is done in other countries as well. Also, how companies learn how to serve customers in a foreign country and how to take a local business global. With this, I can learn to be a well versed employee working in a global company.

I chose MIS as a second major due to the fact that I enjoy working with new and emerging technology, and adapting it to meet the business needs. My desire is to succeed and be responsible for researching problems, developing solutions and recommending software or systems to meet the companies requirements. Due to many countries wanting the most advanced technology, I believe MIS and International Business go hand in hand and will provide me with many opportunities to reach my career goals.

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