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Assisted family with virtual meeting softwares

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, my parents began working from home. To communicate with their co-workers and conduct business, they both needed to use Zoom and BlueJeans, apps that allows for online meetings, but neither of them have ever used these programs before. Being a college student, I know how to use these apps fairly well so I decided to teach them so they could continue their regular work routine. I taught them how to create accounts, join and create meetings, turn on and off audio/video, use virtual backgrounds, etc. They both had questions or wanted me to show them the same stuff over and over again, but I understood this is a difficult time for them since it is new and something they are not used to. After weeks of them using these apps daily, they are both now experienced users which makes their work day easier. This taught me how important it is be proficient in technology because this pandemic shows how useful it really is and without it many people would have lost their jobs.

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