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Weekly Journal 9/26

So far, our group has stayed on top of each assignment and its respective due date.  We have successfully distributed a work breakdown structure for each assignment through email.  However, there is always room for improvement.  Specifically, I believe our group needs to find a more efficient way to plan how assignments will be completed, and when they will be completed.  While we keep our emails all within one thread, there is a lag in each member’s response.  It is easy to hope that any of the other members will answer whatever question is proposed in the email because we have such a large group of project managers.  As for my individual contributions this week, I began to put together a project schedule, but found that my efforts were ultimately ineffective because I did not discuss it with anyone.  It is easy to postpone doing these assignments too if the final drafts are due several weeks from now.  Another thing that I could improve on is my communication with my group.  I was out of town from Tuesday-Thursday, and it was easy to be separated from our group communication.

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