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Bococelli: Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned: Bococelli

About Bococelli

  • Bococelli was a small custom printing company (mostly clothing) that I ran throughout my senior year of high school until the start of the fall semester of my Freshman year of college
  • I was the sole proprietor of Bococelli and ran all business functions
  • Most of my time was spent researching business concepts and information on the production processes

Match ambitions with ability

“I respect the man who knows distinctly what he wishes. The greater part of all mischief in the world arises from the fact that men do not sufficiently understand their own aims. They have undertaken to build a tower, and spend no more labor on the foundation than would be necessary to erect a hut.”- Johann von Goethe

Easily one of the hardest learned lessons. Bococelli taught me that I can’t be a good student, dedicated athlete, productive employee, and entrepreneur simultaneously. So my entrepreneurial endeavor was eventually put on hold in order to keep everything else running smoothly.


Though Bococelli didn’t earn a profit, there was a lot of maturing and professionalism that were required of me. I was placed in difficult situations and forced to solve all types of problems. As I progress through my career, I will always look for room to grow and develop.


I learned quickly from this experience the need and methods to prioritize. School came first on my list. I started rearranging my work schedule to ensure I had adequate time to study, keep my rugby commitments, and most importantly sleep.


This skill became a quick necessity in my experience. Being able to cope with my limited resources was always a challenge. I used all 24 hours in a day, built things from scratch, and found creative alternative uses for household items to accomplish what needed to be done.

Lessons Learned and Passed Down

There were so many things I learned about business, myself, and everything else. I am committed to being a lifelong learner but I also strive to be an active mentor. “The road to success is never lonely” is one of the philosophies I choose to embody. Whatever I learn, I hope to pass on to others to help them accomplish whatever they set out to do.


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