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Lessons Learned: Iron Lions High School Rugby Club President

Lessons Learned: Iron Lions High School Rugby Club President

About the Iron Lions

  • I played for the Iron Lions sophomore through senior year of high school
  • As a club team, we enveloped multiple schools from the surrounding area (this became a challenge when it came to event planning)
  • I was the president and B-side (JV equivalent) captain for two years and was responsible for assisting and/or spearheading recruiting events, team building activities, and helping transition new players into the sport

Working To Earn Your Place

The lesson here has everything to do with mentality. Attempting to do the bare minimum or not give your full effort was considered unacceptable. To earn a position in the starting lineup you absolutely had to come to practice and expend every ounce of energy and effort you possibly could. In addition, my role as president of the club was a result of my initiative to schedule out of season team building events, car pools, and other activities.


I vividly remember wanting to quit more than I was compelled to stay season after season. Yet through perseverance, personal adversity, and most importantly an overabundance of support I managed to grow and develop at an exponential rate which has shaped me even to this day. My coaches watched and pushed as I gained confidence, challenge myself, and earned my place year after year.

How to Succeed as a Team

Anyone who knows a little bit about rugby knows that it is a sport built around unity. “Ubi concordia, ibi victoria” Is a Latin phrase my head coach always told us, it is roughly translated into “Where there is unity, there is victory.” What strengthened us as a team on the field, were our personal connections we shared off the field. These bonds allowed us to build a high quality of trust in one another. Trust became essential as we fought harder and harder to defy the league that tried bumping us down to division II at the beginning of the season. By the end, we not only proved the league wrong, but we achieved unimaginable success as we played an undefeated regular season and went on to win the state championship.

Continual Improvement

Year after year, I trained harder in the off season, learned more at practice, and set a new standard for my personal best.  By the end of my time with the Iron Lions, I was showing up early to practice and was playing in the starting lineup in some of the most defining matches of the season.

Continuing the Legacy

As I moved onto college, I still show up to the high school practices and games to show my support for the team. The network of coaches and players are still supportive of me as I transitioned out of the team.  I know the coaching staff will always be willing to support me in the future. I will always have the “Iron Lions Pride” instilled into my character.

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