Temple Fox MIS

Virtual Data Cubes Assignment

Data Cubes are a combination of smaller cubes that make up one larger, logical cube. These cubes contain information that ultimately came from an operational database, which was transferred to a data warehouse, which was put into a data mart and ended up into the data cube. This transfer of information is important so that the data can be categorized and broken down into smaller components. The extraction of data from the database to the data cube is specific, gathering only component of the data and not all of it. Once inside the cube, information can be analyzed much faster than when it was in the database and managers can utilize the information quicker so that they can make the best decisions for the organization. (Simba Technologies Inc, 2011)

Data cubes relates to concept that were covered in my Data Analytics Course. We discussed data mining, database, data mart, data warehouse, data cube and pivot tables. Data mining is the overall process of dissecting data from its most raw form and transforming to more useful information where managerial decisions can be made. During the data mining process, the data will go from broad to specific as it travels from the database to an online analytical process (OLAP). The data is entered into a database from all over the organization. The data warehouse is a repository for data and can look like a database. The data mart holds more specific data and filters out what is not needed. The data is categorized in the data cube where it can be sliced and diced into smaller, manageable forms. When the data reaches this step, it can be queried and information received much quicker than in its raw state.

Visana is a Switzerland based insurance company that faced the challenges of staying competitive and making a profit. In order to be efficient, they had to monitor and coordinate their customers, premiums, benefits and costs on a daily basis. They found that the process for gathering the information was laborious and resource-intensive. So in 2006, the decided to create a cross-system analysis system to help them. IBM Cognos Business Intelligence was the vehicle that they used to become more efficient and effective in their daily operations. They connected cubes to their Oracle database system and reported positive changes in retrieving information from queries, creating reports and their ability to make better decisions with up-to-date information (IBM Corporation, 2012).


Execution for system. (2005, April 24). Retrieved April 30, 2012, from Exforsys: http://www.exforsys.com/tutorials/msas/understanding-virtual-cubes.html
IBM Corporation. (2012). Better insurance: Information at the touch of a button. Deutschland: IBM.
Jackson, J. (2012, February 14). InfoWorld. Retrieved April 30, 2012, from InfoWorld: http://www.infoworld.com/d/applications/kognitio-offer-virtual-data-cube-analytics-525
Simba Technologies Inc. (2011, July 06). Marketwire. Retrieved April 30, 2012, from Marketwire: http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/simba-technologies-enables-virtual-olap-cubes-for-big-data-with-kognitio-pablo-1535270.htm

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