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The Future of Data & Analytics is in the Cloud

Gartner sponsored this IT related live webinar. We met virtually, the webinar was hosted on Gartner’s website on 11/24/2020 at 11 AM. We talked about how and why businesses use the cloud strategies that they employ. We discussed what our current methods are for backing up data and the majority of people said they employ a hybrid deployment meaning they back up data components both locally and on the cloud. We have to be most concerned with the volume and direction of data movement when using a hybrid deployment because this can affect business function (volume) and financial function (direction). When discussing cloud services, in general, the most important metric is price-performance. This metric is different for every business and they should be recalculating this metric over time. This topic relates to my career goals because, as I saw in the poll conducted during the webinar, not all businesses employ a cloud strategy as of yet. A company may not have cloud strategies yet because they may not have someone who is educated enough on the topic to get a conversation started. This would increase my value greatly as an employee.

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