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New Technology will Speed up Security at Airport

Airport scanner

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced that they will be rolling out new 3D carry-on luggage scanners throughout airports across America. The program just recently launched in July with about 12 airports being featured in the pilot program. The new 3D technology will replace current 2D luggage scanners that are found in most airports around the world. The improved scanners will feature Computed Tomography (CT) to take hundreds of pictures using a spinning X-ray camera. Using this new high resolution camera, TSA agents will have a more detailed view of the contents of passenger bags.

Currently, with the lower quality images and scanners, passengers must take out items such as electronics and liquids. The operation of unloading luggage to find certain items slows down the process of going through security and can make the airport experience much less enjoyable. With the new technology, passengers will no longer have to empty their bags, but instead can leave these items in their bag. It will also increase security, as the scanners will be able to better detect illegal contents.

With new technology trends brings new changes to industries. Currently airline users have the option to pay for TSA pre check, which is a paid ‘membership’ to expedite airport security. This includes the option that allows passengers to keep items in their luggage, with these new high tech scanners coming about, there is a decreased need of TSA pre check. What other trends do you think will be coming to the airport security or airline industry in general? How do you think these technology trends will either positively or negatively impact both the consumers and the business providing these services?

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