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Phi Kappa Theta PA Iota Chapter

Initiated: Spring 2014

Previously Held Position: President, Vice President of Leadership Development, Scribe, Assistant Associate Member Educator, Inter-fraternal Council Representative

Overview: After spending the Spring 2014 semester as an associate member, I along with my initiate class was initiated into Phi Kappa Theta’s PA Iota Chapter. During my first semester as an active brother, I held three governing board positions. As scribe, I took minutes and attendance at every chapter meeting and sent both to the Alumni Board and general body in a timely manner. As Associate Member Educator I helped distill the Fall 2014 class with the history and values of the fraternity. As Inter-fraternal Council Representative I attended IFC meetings and reported back to my chapter.

For the Spring 2015 semester, I was elected to the Executive Board and currently oversee the chapter’s efforts to develop leadership among our brothers. To fulfill this I designed and lead four workshops over the Spring 2015 semester and two for the current semester. I then went on to serve as present for the 2016 school year.

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