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Data Analytics & Change Management Intern

Job function

  • Data Analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Configuration of  Maintenance Windows
  • Change Request Review


  • Performed metrics on employee hours to determine if capacity meets demand.
  • Built interactive pivot chart dashboards to analyze data sets containing 8500+ rows of data.
  • Configured maintenance windows for enterprise-wide applications and servers across the globe.
  • Reviewed change requests to ensure that all requirements were met before Change Management approval.

What I learned

  • I learned how to analyze large sets of complex data efficiently.
  • I utilized the Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process in my data analysis. This relates to the Data Analytics course I took (MIS 2502).
  • I also learned about networking, servers, instances, load balancing, and more from reviewing enterprise-wide change requests. This relates to the Enterprise IT Architecture course I took (MIS 3406).


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