MIS 0855 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

In-Class Exercises

In-Class Exercise – Day 39 – Aggregating Data

In-Class Exercise – Day 39 – Aggregating Data in Tableau.pdf

NCAA 2013-2014 Player Stats.xlsx

In-Class Exercise – Day 39 – answer sheet.docx

Canvas submission link – https://templeu.instructure.com/courses/30770/assignments/53320

The lecture on Dec 6 will be given by Aaron Cheng, our TA, as a guest lecturer. This exercise will be counted toward your final grade.

In-Class Exercise – Day 27-28 – Visualizing Network

In-Class Exercise – Day 27-28 – Visualizing Network.pdf

Flight Paths July 4-8 2016.xlsx

Flight Networks July 4 2016.xlsx

Capital Bikeshare Trips Apr 1 2016.xlsx

Canvas submission link for Nov 3 – https://templeu.instructure.com/courses/30770/assignments/47172

Canvas submission link for Nov 1 – https://templeu.instructure.com/courses/30770/assignments/46209

Misleading Graphs – Best Team

Anthony Mazza, Joe Arnold, Michael Granovskiy

This graph has a vertical axis that begins at 420 rather than zero. The lower bar is 445 and the larger bar is at 485. But The Times bar is shown as twice as big.

There isn’t a Y axis at all. 78% is depicted as twice as many books as 75%. The scale consistency is off and the number of books between percentages isn’t consistent.

There is a misleading icon scale. Horses and fish have the same amount but horses are depicted as much larger. Most people own cats but it looks like just as many own dogs.

This graph is by far the most misleading. The raw numbers suggest that there are almost the same amount of working people as there are people on welfare. But when put in the graph, the bars represent 4 times the amount of people are on welfare rather than working a full time job.

Finding Cool Visualization – Best Group Note

by Ksenia Semina and Albert Semin

https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2017-us- defense-against- north-korean- nuclear-attack/

a. What are the sources of the data visualized?

The sources of visualized data are the rockets, military bases and their action during a fired missile
from North Korea.

b. What are the key messages in these graphics?

The key message behind is that USA is ready to defend it self and has the technology to prevent an
attack in minutes.

c. What kind of delivery means do the graphics adopt to deliver the messages?

The graph uses 22-minute time lapse that shows the movement of the missiles and their direction.
It also shows that the US has military bases in Japan and South Korean that immediately report
back to the US.

https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2017-cities- chronic-flooding/

a. What are the sources of the data visualized?

The level of water on land during certain time of the year. How much flooding a city experiences
and how much has it increased over the several years.

b. What are the key messages in these graphics?

Shows the damage in the city by the water and how far can it spread with time because of climate

c. What kind of delivery means do the graphics adopt to deliver the messages?

They show how the water expands further into the city over time laps to future years.

In-Class Exercise – Day 13 – Finding Cood Data Visualization

In-Class Exercise – Day 13 – Finding Cood Data Visualization.pdf

Best Hypotheses for Philadelphia Neighborhoods – Carly and Vincent

Carly Krzywicki and Vincent Mulvehill will get extra credit (0.5 out of 1 point) for the in-class exercise yesterday.

Hypothesis: “A Philadelphia neighborhood with more healthy corner stores experience lower crime rates.”

  • Data source: Healthy Corner Store dataset (https://www.opendataphilly.org/dataset/healthy-corner-store-locations)
  • Rationale: A neighborhood with more health-based corner stores is safer because more people are eating foods filled with nutrients that better the wellness of people. Eating more fruits and vegetables is often referred to as “brain food”, therefore this would help with their psychological mindsets.

Hypothesis: “A Philadelphia neighborhood that participates in vacant lot cleanups is more likely to experience less crime.”

  • Data source: Vacant Lot Cleanups (https://www.opendataphilly.org/dataset/vacant-lot-cleanups)
  • Rationale: A neighborhood that participates in vacant lot cleanups care about where they live, therefore they are less likely to commit a crime. People who respect the environment they live in and take care of it are less likely to do harm.

Hypothesis: “A Philadelphia neighborhood that experiences less rainfall causes less crime.”

  • Data source: NOWData – NOAA Online Weather Data (https://www.opendataphilly.org/dataset/nowdata-noaa-online-weather-data)
  • Rationale: A neighborhood that experiences less rainfall would have more sunshine, which allows for more endorphins to shine through and enter the atmosphere. Sunshine is known to make people happy due to these endorphins and the color yellow.