Strategic Management of IT – Spring 2015

MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

MIS 3534 – Thank you!

Dear all,

I have competed grading of Executive Report #3 and entered the final grades to Blackboard and TUPortal. You should be able to check yours now at Blackboard and tomorrow (May 4) at TUPortal.

Please be advised that the final grades are firm and final. Under no circumstances will the grades be changed. I will not respond to any request for a higher grade or extra credits.

I would like to sincerely thank you for your hard work and contribution to my class so far. This semester was one of the best for me thanks to all of you! I very much appreciate it.

If you’d like to keep in touch with me, you can connect with me via LinkedIn at

Once again, thank you, and I wish the best of luck in your continued studies, career, and future endeavors.

Best regards,
– min-seok

Week 14 – IT and Your Career – class slides and videos

Week 14 – Your Career (color).pdf

Week 14 – Your Career (bw).pdf

Amazon Testing Drone Delivery System – YouTube (

Firms Replacing Derivatives Traders with Algorithms – Bloomberg (

Law Schools Shrink as Enrollments Drop – WSJ (

Technology Kills Middle Class Jobs – AP (

TEDxBoston – Andrew McAfee (

Will The U.S. Have A Jobless Recovery – CNN (

A Ride in the Google Self Driving Car – Google (–OTzM)

The Promise of 3-D Printing – TIME (,28804,2091589_2092033_2096601,00.html)

Banking’s Precarious Position – Less Branch Customers – NBR (

The Future of CIO – CIO Magazine (

World Business – Legal Outsourcing – YouTube (!)

In-class discussion questions for Apr 27

We will discuss these questions on Monday, Apr 27. Do not post comments on this.

  • In a job interview, how would you answer this question – “Why should we hire you?”
  • If the interviewer asks what you’ve learned in MIS 3534, what would you say?
  • What would it take to be a great CIO like Mr. Barton?
  • What should be your competitive advantages as an MIS major that differentiate yourself from other majors?
  • What should be your core competencies?

Online discussion questions – Apr 20

  • How does Uber’s pricing work? How different is it from pricing of traditional taxicabs?
  • What would be reasons for city governments to ban AirBnb or Uber? How would you counter them?
  • What would be reasons for online education to be valuable to education providers or students?
  • Why are technologies of FreshDirect sophisticated and state-of-the-art?
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