Munir Mandviwalla

Professor, Milton F. Stauffer Senior Research Fellow
Executive Director, Institute for Business and Information Technology


Racherla, P., and Mandviwalla, M. (2008). What Does Universal Access Mean? JAIS Theory Development Workshop, Paris, December 13, 2008.

Mandviwalla, M., Jain A. , Fesenmaier, J. , Smith, J. , Weinberg, P. , and Greg Meyers (2008).  Municipal Broadband Wireless Networks: Realizing the Vision of Anytime, Anywhere Connectivity. Communications of the ACM.

Jain, A., Mandviwalla, M., Banker, R. (2007). Government as catalyst: Can it work again with wireless internet access? Public Administration Review, November/December, 2007.

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