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Preparation for the future

I am currently enrolled in MIS 2502: Data Analytics and MIS 3501: Data Centric Application Development and have developed a great deal of skills from these courses to utilize in my career aspirations clearly depicted in the table below.

Class Gained Skills Utilization in Career
MIS 2502 Operate Excel tools such as functions, charts, and pivot tables Separate and organize data to clarify understanding or compile reports based on different categories of data
Write queries on MySQL
Read and write R/R Studio script
Efficiently create visual data infographics Present meaningful data through visual story telling to bosses or clients
MIS 3501 Read and write HTML, CSS, and PHP script Create and edit websites, applications, and data tables
Write SQL queries on PHPmyadmin
Write PDO script into PHP Include data tables within websites and applications

The combination of these MIS-related skills will allow me to work with databases and applications to optimize systems and processes within a business environment; ideally, this would take place in a hospital where I could help maximize efficiency with tasks such as maintaining patient records, decreasing wait-times with new technologies, or adjust protocols systems.

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