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IT Awards

On Tuesday, April 12, 2016, I attended my first ever IT Awards sponsored by the MIS department in Mitten Hall. The event is held to recognize and applaud students who show promise in the IT field, faculty who excel in guiding those students, and businesspersons who have made a name for themselves in the IT field and support our program. Not receiving an award, I wondered what role I would have at this event other than being a part of the audience.

Courtesy photo from Joe Allegra's Flickr page

Courtesy photo from Joe Allegra’s Flickr page

Since I arrived early to volunteer with setting up, I was able to network a bit with the esteemed businesspersons who sponsored awards and who were receiving awards themselves. As more people began to arrive, I had the opportunity to network with students by bonding over classes and coursework. I spoke to professors about their role in the IT field before coming to teach at Temple. Each of these opportunities to mingle has had a great effect on me in that I have gotten myself into the mix of the MIS department and I now have more resources if I am ever in a situation where I need guidance or assistance in relation to internships, classes, professors, etc.

As the ceremony began, Dean Porat gave a speech commending the MIS department at Temple and it was eye-opening to see how many opportunities I am given to successfully pursue my career through this program. Businesspersons gave their speeches discussing how they got into the field, how they advise rising to the top, and how that is possible through their companies. It was amazing to discover the connections the MIS department has with excellent companies such as QVC, Pfizer, AmerisourceBergen, Walmart, and Comcast. As a student who just recently switched her major, it was a relief to see the resources and preparedness the program has to offer.

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