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  • Business continuity
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Business process analysis
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About me

My name is Parminder Singh.  I am a Senior and majoring in MIS at the Fox School of Business at Temple University.  I choose major in Management Information System because I like facing new challenges and problems in data analytics, and to work within a team or individually. In this past summer, I did an Internship with Youth Build Philadelphia  Chatter School and worked at Dunkin Donuts as a shift leader. I got a new job at CVS of the Shift Supervisor.

While at Temple, I have developed a background in Computer programming,  Systems analysis, IT business strategy, and Web analytics. My mission is to be a web developer or System Analysis. However, my first choice is to be a web developer because I love coding. I have the experienced at my Intern about the role of information technology, make a good relationship with clients, turn raw data into information, how to collect information by joining the sperate tables.

I am learning a lot about the business world, and I am eager to learn more. I am passionate about working in the field of business, and I take pride in working hard and producing an excellent outcome whether it is on work, school, or in daily life situations. Please feel free to email me at about any question and opportunities.

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