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Long Island Universtity MIS Award Ceremony

Due to my position as Head Coach of the League of Legends team at Long Island University Post, I was invited by the Dean of Business while there on a training trip to attend an award ceremony honoring Master’s degree applicants in their newly-created MIS Data Analytics program that stood out among the rest. Each of them received commendations as well as scholarships to attend LIU Post’s program. Each of the heads of their respective departments related to the program and the scholarship gave speeches and then stuck around to network directly afterwards.

It was extremely interesting to witness the creation and early development of an MIS program at a different university, and networking with the university officials, including the President and more, will be useful in terms of possible contacts in the future in any capacity. I learned that MIS is developing across the country and that Temple University’s MIS program did not become what it is today instantaneously.

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