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Work Experience

Intern at Patterson Flynn Martin 

 May  16  to June  4, 2017

During my internship, I was in a job rotation position, where I experienced departments such as floor management, shipping process, inventory organizer, and data keeping. I was also able to learn and follow Maggie Joblonska, director of design and product development at Patterson Flynn Martin. This was my first internship in the United States, and it was the most important one. I learned the true work ethic of an employee and the hustle life of a New Yorker.


Volunteering at Machik Weekend 

November 20 2015- November 23 2015

Volunteering at an event, that has such a great impact on my family and my community has been very valuable for me.

Machik Weekend is a three-day event that includes people who share a passion for the ideals and services for Tibet. My role in this event was to help and guide panel members to their respective places. I also had to greet the viewers and provide them.I was also part of the distribution team, where we distributed food and goods during the event.

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