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For Web Application Projects

I have completed web application projects using PHP, HTML, CSS, and SQL databases. However, more recently I have written web API’s in Java, used JavaScript code for routing (single page web applications), used AJAX calls to read API’s, and more.

In the blog page I describe the various features I add to this site. Note this site uses various advance Javascript and and Java concepts like routing, code re-usability, and writing/reading  API’s, this site is NOT meant to display my design/UX experience skills. You can check it out by clicking here

For security reasons all of my “theoretical problem solving” projects are uploaded as .txt files they are written in Java

Recursive Solution to the Classic “8 Queens” Problem

8 Queens Problem

This project places 8 Queens on a chess board. (represented by a two dimensional array where the value 0 is an empty space and 1 is a Queen) The trick to the 8 Queens lab is that no Queen can be place in a spot where another Queen could move to it in chess

Recursive Sudoku Solver

Soduko Solver

This project is a program that can solve and classic 9 by 9 Sudoku. It implements a basic recursive algorithm based on the rules of the game. Again the board is represented by a two dimensional array.

Index of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare


This implements a tree in order to create an index of the complete works of William Shakespeare. It implements REGEX to sanitize punctuation out, and it prints; The Word, How many times is appears, and a list of all the lines in the file that it appears on.

Sorting Algorithms Data Analysis

Sorting Algorithms
Data Sheet For SortingLab

In this project I coded some typical sorting algorithms. I “tagged” these algorithms with some basic data measurements and moved the data I collected into Excel. Under the “Data Sheet” tab of the Excel file you can see the run-time curves I plotted on graphs.

Cheaters Hangman

Cheaters Hangman

This is program that plays hangman with the user with a twist. It reads the the dictionary and uses a Hash Table to create word families. From these word family the program will always choose the word family that gives it the most options. Then on your final guess the program will select a word that it technically could be, but is not the users guess. I printed out the set for each guess so if you run it you can see the program narrowing the families down. As long as the user is allowed only a reasonable amount of guesses, the program should always win.

Maze Solving Method

maze method

I created this method as a part of a larger program that created a maze and implemented the Java Graphic Interface. It interacts with a Cell class and uses a stack to solve a maze through exhaustion.

Solution to the Josephus Problem


In this project I created a circular linked list class to implement the solution to the Josephus Problem which is described as: “Soldiers form a circle and count around the circle some predetermined number.
When this number is reached, that person receives a lot and leaves the circle.
The count starts over with the next person.
Build a Circular Linked List with the provided code to represent the circle of
people and simulate the problem. Your program should use two parameters, n
people and k, where k is the number of counts. In other words, we successively
remove the kth person from the list”

Network Architecture

I built out a virtual network using windows VM’s on Microsoft Azure. I created a domain control, workstations, a file server, an SQL database server, a network monitor, and a IIS server. This network is fully functional and can host a public domain for PHP applications. In addition, I created user groups, mapped drive files, and implemented logon scripts.

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