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The Society for Human Resource Management at Temple University.

It is the world’s largest association devoted to human resource management Representing more than 170,000 individual members, the Society serves the needs of HR professionals by providing the most essential and comprehensive set of resources available.

As an influential voice, SHRM is committed to advancing the human resource profession to ensure that HR is an essential and effective partner in developing and executing organizational strategy. Founded in 1948, SHRM currently has more than 500 affiliated chapters within the United States and members in more than 120 countries.

I am so gladly to join TUSHRM from Sping 2016. We have SHRM meeting with different speakers every Wednesday. They also introduce internship chance and other opportunities.



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“The Association for Information Systems (AIS) serves society through the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of excellence in the practice and study of information systems. AIS is the premier professional association for individuals and organizations who lead the research, teaching, practice, and study of information systems worldwide.”

As the founding student chapter, Temple AIS upholds an engaging and well-developed focal point for students studying Management Information Systems, or students interested in the practice of MIS, through professional development, social events, and community activities. With the cooperation of welcoming faculty and staff within the highly ranked MIS department, AIS offers a plethora of benefits to its members.

AIS also provides Speaker Series, Networking Opportunities, and Technical Workshops. I joined AIS in Jan 2016. Furthermore, AIS also holds community service to help the community with technical issues and knowledge. I am joining the activity called “Relay for Life” both for AIS and SHRM. The activity is about supporting cancer patients who were battled with cancer or who are battling cancer. I hope my donation and participation is worthful.

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