Temple Course Scheduling Project
Brief Introduciton of the Project:
There is a real need for the use of better technology to more accurately plan our collective schedules. Sometimes the school has WAY too many sections of a course on the schedule and they need to cancel a boatload of sections. Sometimes the school has WAY too few sections of a course and students are at risk of not graduating on time. By properly implementing a forecasting modeling software we could do a much better job of scheduling and dramatically improving the efficiency of the process and utilization of classroom resources which is a serious issue at the Fox School.
Why we choose this topic as capostone project:
Currently, Temple Fox School of Business used past course schedule as the template for each semester. However, the current method requires a lot of changes based on a mass of varibales that could effect the real number of registered students, and it causes extra work for all departments. We want to find a better way to slove this problem by forecasting the future number of students to reduce the work time and also increase the accuracy.
Link: http://community.mis.temple.edu/templecoursescheduling