Managing Information in the Enterprise

Bruce Hohne

Welcome to MIS5801

Welcome to MIS 5801- Managing Information in the Enterprise, December, 2014. We will be using this site for all course related activities and materials. Please bookmark this page. To  your left is general information about me, the class schedule, the assignments, grading and class policies.  There is no text for this class.  The cases and a few other readings will be provided to you by the university.

This will be an intense four days.  Please prepare by reading as much of the material as possible before hand.  Classes will be primarily about analyzing and discussing the readings so it is essential that you come to class prepared.  I am very much looking forward to the class and I hope you are also.  See you on 13 December.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment here, email at or call me at 215.204.3196.
