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Personal Interests and Hobbies

I am an avid fan of the stock market and have been trading stocks since 2008.  Since a young boy I’ve always wondered how financial systems around the world collabarated so well and how does the stock market operate. My interest in the stock market gave me the confidence to attend the Fox Business School in search for my bachelors in Finance.



I love the New York Knicks. Born in Manhattan loving the Knicks is nothing new to me. As a child, I attended games at MSG regularly and Allan Houston was my favorite New York Knick. I play basketball at least twice a week, have a sweet jump shoot and I enjoy the game.











My favorite hobbie is playing  No-Limit Texas Holdem Poker. Texas Holdem Poker is a game i have played for over 10 years. I would consider my self an amateur poker player, who has played in over 25 major poker tournaments in Atlantic City, NJ. I haven’t won any large amounts of cash yet playing but if I do I plan to invest at least 50% of my earnings into the stock market.





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