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IBIT mentoring program

It has been a pleasure to have David Woodson as a mentor to learn from his experience in the IT industry.

1.    Please rate the IBIT Mentoring Application process, with 5 being excellent and 1 being poor.

Answer: 5

2.    How could the application process be improved?

Answer: I feel that the application for the mentoring program had every question needed to perfectly match mentors and mentees.

3.    Please rate your experience with the mentoring program overall. (5 being excellent, 1 being poor)

Answer: 4

4.    What was your favorite aspect of the mentoring program?

Answer: my favorite aspect of the mentoring program was being able to talk to my mentor about the different job opportunities within Information technology. Furthermore, I am grateful to my mentor to connect me to his colleagues in fields and companies I’m interested in working for.

5.    How could the mentoring program be improved?

The program was very beneficial for me, and I feel like I was matched to a mentor, who works in the company and field I’m very interested in. This helped me learn about the job and his professional journey.

6.    Did you feel as though your mentor was well matched to your needs?

Yes perfectly!

7.    Please provide any comments on your mentor (Were they helpful? Did you connect? Etc.)

I feel like my mentor was very helpful with his advice on how to make the most out of the college experience and share his stories from college. I think that my goals for life in general aligned with his and we were able to explore paths to achieve them.

8.    How has the mentoring program helped you? (If it hasn’t, put N/A and explain why)

The mentoring program has helped me grow as a person and get an insight into the life of such an accomplished individual. I look forward to learning more from Dave and feel comfortable to text him at any time of the week for help.

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