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I went to high school at George Washington Carver High School of Engineering and Science, which was an amazing experience. I loved science as a kid and meteorology and tornado chasing was what really interested me. I know not normal for a 12 year old. As I went to high school I really got into Physics.

After graduation I went to Widener University and majored in Physics and minored in Astronomy. I wanted to become an astrophysicist and studying stellar death. After I realized I wasn’t a genius and I was going to work harder than ever before I decided to take some time off from school to see what I really wanted to do.

I worked for a while at Pietro’s Coal Oven Pizzeria in Philadelphia on South Street. I really enjoyed it and I got to know the restaurant business and learned how to foster relationships with customers and really get to know people. I decided to go back to school for business, specifically Accounting, I thought Accountants were always needed and it’s a good steady job.

I went to Community College of Philadelphia (CCP) and got my Associate’s degree in two years. During the summer of 2007 I went to Jerusalem, Israel to learn a Women’s Seminary (a Jewish learning institution) called Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies, and I fell in love with it. After that summer I met my future husband, and we planned to go back to Jerusalem to learn more after our wedding. We lived there for 3 months on our own, newlyweds, who didn’t speak any Hebrew, it was quite an interesting experience.

After having two beautiful kids, I realized it was time for me to finish my education. Now, here I am at Temple, finished my education.

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