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AIS Mentorship Program

Fall 2020

Being a part of the AIS Mentorship Program assisted me with transitioning during this difficult time. This semester, I was forced to figure out concepts like Pro Points and AIS tracks over a virtual platform, but having a to mentor guide me was useful. As a freshman, I only know a handful of MIS majors, let alone upperclassmen, but through this program, I was able to connect to other MIS majors who had taken classes that I am going to take and interned at companies that I am interested in. With my mentor, I was able to set realistic goals to grow my network and keep my grades high. Having gone through the college experience of being an MIS major herself, my mentor gave pointers on which professors to take and how to order my classes. With her help, I was able to apply to a number of summer internships and conferences. I’m glad to have taken this program to my advantage. 


Spring 2021

Participating in the AIS Mentorship Program a second time, I had an idea of what I was signing myself up for: another helpful connection. As a new freshman in this pandemic, I haven’t had the opportunity to meet other students in my major like a normal freshman would. The AIS Mentorship Program allowed me forge a strong bond with an upperclassman who provided helpful insight on the best professors, interview prep, and organizational tips throughout the semester. With her suggested advice, I was able to better my time management as well as land an internship for Summer 2021 as well as a position in the Fox College Council. I strongly believe that having my mentor to guide me greatly improved my academic and professional experience this semester.

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