Interests & Hobbies

I am heavily involved in three Student Professional Organizations (SPO) at Temple University.

Temple University Association for Information Systems (AIS)

I became a AIS member in the Spring of 2014. Every Monday AIS hosts guest speakers from the information technology sector of business. These speakers are great networking tools and provide helpful business strategies and stand as great role models for future business leaders. AIS offers students many opportunities to promote the study and practice of management information systems including professional development, social, and community activities. AIS helps me, as a member, to develop necessary business, leadership, professional, and career-related skills. AIS is the largest student professional organization on campus and earlier this year they were named Temple AIS Chapter of the Year, the highest honor any student chapter can receive.


Temple Univeristy Entrepreneurial Student Association (ESA)

I became an ESA member in the Fall of 2013. Every Wednesday ESA hosts special guest speakers from various sectors of business. These speakers are entrepreneurs themselves and provide the members with tips and personal strategies they used themselves to become successful entrepreneurs.

Temple University Professional Sales Organization (PSO)

I became an PSO member in the Fall of 2013. Every Friday PSO hosts a hands on sales exercise session. In these sessions, members get a very hands-on, one-to-one approach to being an effective salesman.

Music and DJing

Music is an essential part of my life. DJing was my biggest hobby since I was in grade 9. Through my interest in music and DJing I have provided music for several wedding receptions and a number of nightlife events.



I have a great interest in one day travelling the world. I believe the immersion into the varying cultures of the world is an invaluable asset, especially in the business world. Throughout my lifetime so far I have travelled to a number of states across America and a number of islands throughout the Caribbean. These states include: Florida, Washington, Washington DC, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Portland and Tennessee. These Caribbean islands include: Puerto Rico, Antigua & Barbuda, Trinidad & Tobago and Barbados. I look forward to exploring the rest of the world in the future.

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