Community Platform
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Blockchain
  • Cloud computing
  • Geographic information systems (GIS)
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This Year
40 Points
800 Points
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What Is Generative AI?

Through this LinkedIn Learning certification, I was able to learn about generative AI and its uses. The instructor of the course, Pinar Seyhan Demirdag, is a co-founder of a generative AI company and was able to explain the uses of AI. It can be used from security checks in banking networks to creating visual effects when making movies. The instructor also stressed the importance of humans in the AI world. AI models are not able to work without humans. Even though AI will most likely affect all industries in some way in the future, humans will still be at the core. This relates to my coursework because MIS is about technology and the changes that happen in technology. AI improves every day.

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