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Full-Time Internship – DirecTV

When I first started with DirecTV, my duties were limited to managing user accounts through Active Directory and Salesforce, as my exposure to the world of IT was relatively limited.  As time went on, my comfort level increased and I was tasked with more daily work. I took on the responsibility of configuring the project management software (JIRA) for simplified business processes. I was also in charge of managing and deploying software through System Center Configuration manager in order to provide the company with hardware and software related inventories.

My biggest accomplishment with the company came when I implemented a service desk management software to increase the efficiency and productivity with which support tickets were resolved. Prior to this software, tickets were managed strictly through email and often fell through the cracks. Upon implementation, all tickets were documented and updated in one centralized place for easier management. My position with DirecTV allowed me to gain vast experience providing support at an enterprise level, as well as to get an understanding of how complex business processes can grow when hundreds of employees are impacted by one event.

Being exposed to a culture such as DirecTV’s allowed me to grow as a business person and as an individual. The internship provided me with the foundation on which my career will be built, and I was fortunate enough to learn from very skilled people who have been involved in corporate IT/Project Management for years. On top of this, after they were purchased by AT&T I was given a first hand look at how much time, effort and money goes into a major corporate merger.

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