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Fox School of Business Target Case Competition

Describe the challenge/competition

  • First place team
  • Fox School of Business Target Case Competition
  • Timeline: January 2022 – March 2022
    • Drove mobile app sales by 19% through collaboration on a 3-person consulting team; devised go-to-market strategy to deliver business solutions utilizing deep-linking
    • Defined technical operations of vision, prototyped product and presented business case to corporate stakeholders
  • What you learned: I learned I really enjoy case competitions.  Being able to pin-point a gap in a company, find a root cause, and propose a solution utilizing technology was a valuable experience. I hope to be able to transfer the communication and collaboration skills I learned in this project to my future career.
  • Impact on coursework and future goals: Competing in the Target Case Competition has shown me I like working in a dynamic group setting.  I was able to apply my MIS curriculum of communicating to business stakeholders the technology implementation to our proposed business solution of deep-linking.  This competition has made me interested in more client-facing roles such as consulting
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