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Academic History

Attending Upper Dublin High School was a great experience for me academically and socially.  Classes taught at this high school were taught at a college level, which I feel prepared me for life in college.  The honors classes that I attended helped me develop my work ethic and studying skills that I still use as a foundation for my learning today.  I was able to build lifelong relationships with friends and teachers and also play sports such as baseball, basketball, and soccer.  I continue to meet alumnus who truly loved their time at Upper Dublin High School and feel that their education there set them up for their lives in the future.

Upon graduating from Upper Dublin High School, I began attending Temple University in 2012 and plan to graduate with the class of 2016.  I came in undeclared choosing between a career in Kinesiology and Business.  As I began to take classes, I began to develop my taste for business after a few introductory classes and declared as business-undeclared at the end of my freshman year.  By the end of sophomore year, I began looking further into business and realized my love for technology, thus leading me to declare my major as MIS (Mangement Information Systems).  I also have a strong belief that understanding finance is pivotal in the business world and give one a solid background understanding of how to build value.  This led me to minor in Finance.  As I begin to enter the summer of my junior year, I hope to receive an IT internship as I prepare myself for my senior year.  Overall, Fox School of Business has given me well-rounded business education in all subject and areas, helping to prepare me as future business leader.


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