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Learning Cloud Computing: Core Concepts

Title of the activity: Learning Cloud Computing: Core Concepts 

Term of the activity:  Spring 2023

Name of sponsoring organization: LinkedIn Learning

Details of the activity: Online Learning Course

What I learned:  I enhanced my understanding of Cloud Computing, which is the on-demand access to cloud services via the internet, including data storage and applications. I also learned about the different types of Cloud services, which are SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS. Each type of service provides services based on the customer’s or business’s needs and they only have to pay for the services they need. Lastly, I learned about Cloud Governance, which is the set of rules and policies companies must adhere to in order to run their services on the cloud. The goal of cloud governance is to ensure that the data privacy, risk management, and cloud operations of the company are strong and secured.

How the activity relates to my coursework/career goals: I will be responsible for solving problems that arise in cloud services and governance in my job as a Technology Consultant after graduation. In addition, my Spring’23 courses discuss various topics involving cloud computing, architecture, development, etc. I am always happy to learn more as an upcoming professional.

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