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Powerful Prioritization with the 80/20 Rule

Title of the activity: Powerful Prioritization with the 80/20 Rule

Term of the activity:  Fall 2021

Name of sponsoring organization: LinkedIn Learning

Details of the activity: Career Development Podcast

What I learned:  The 80/20 Rule, also known as The Pareto Principle, states that 80% of the results derive from 20% of the input, and vice versa. Parallel to the expressions, “Work less, make more” and “Work smart, not hard,” this principle enforces the individual to prioritize the quality of their execution and work’s impact over the amount and duration of work they subject themselves to. Likewise, being busy is not equal to being productive and prioritizing methods that yield more results will optimize a person’s productivity and lifestyle.

How the activity relates to my coursework/career goals: This course has helped me focus on incremental progress for exponential growth rather than the strict completion of tasks and goals in a short span of time for immediate gratification. I believe that this is important in all areas of life in which goals and expectations are to be met.


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