Cloud Architecture: Core Concepts
Title of the activity: Cloud Architecture: Core Concepts
Term of the activity: Spring 2023
Name of sponsoring organization: LinkedIn Learning
What I learned: I learned that Cloud Architecture is the way technology components work together to build a cloud for cloud computing and to solve business problems. Likewise, it is important that cloud architects understand the business problems before designing the cloud-based system and to consider the following: Requirements, Technology, Security, Governance, DevOps, Training, Applications, and Data. Databases are the core requirements for cloud architecture and there are 3 main ways data is stored: object, file, block storages. Understanding the kinds of data that is being stored and shared is important for cloud architects to understand as they assess the current problems and begin to propose solutions. Lastly, technical documentation of the cloud designs, proposals, pricing, thought leadership, industry changes, internal requests, etc. is important as cloud architects go back and forth between meetings and engaging with clients.
How the activity relates to my coursework/career goals: Cloud Architecture is interesting and perhaps a role I take on in the future. I feel well-equipped as an MIS major to solve business-technology problems involving cloud services and ready to get hands-on experience.