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  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
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This Year
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Course Work

Below is the list of my selected courses work:

  • Data Science:  I took this class the Fall semester of my freshman year. This is so far my favorite class at Temple as I got the opportunity to learn about big data, data analysis and the importance of using data in making a business decision. I believe that in the future data will drive the business world and having the ability to make sense of big data would make me a desirable candidate for future employment.
  • Data-Centric Application Development: I took this class in the Fall of my junior year and while the class was very challenging, I enjoyed every moment of it. In this class, I learn many things about programming and web development, especially JavaScript, CSS and HTML. In addition, I got the opportunity to develop simple application on my own. I believe that practicing my programming skill is important for my future career in the technology industry.
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