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Hands-On AI: Build a Generative Language Model from Scratch

This LinkedIn Learning taught us how to build a generative language machine learning model using python. The instructor gave us start files on Github, and from there, gave step-by-step coding instructions to create Markov Chains to predict the next word in a sentence based on probabilities derived from training data. After completing the coding files along with the instructor, we were given code challenges similar to what we just learned to practice on our own. Using the same process, I also learned how to build a Naive Bayesian classifier. This course most closely relates to MIS 3505 – Scripting for Data Science and MIS 3580 – AI/ML in the Workplace, as we learn about various data science methods in python in MIS 3505 and in MIS 3580, we are learning about the capabilities of LLMs and Naive Bayesian Classification.

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