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Design a Strong Defense Strategy to Prevent Hackers from Evading Antivirus Solutions

This webinar was hosted by Netcom Learning on October 15, 2020 from 1pm-1:40pm.

This webinar went into a deep dive into the many different ways hackers may attack you while in a work setting, or on your private computer. Just like we did in MIS2101, the webinar gave an alternative perspective on how digital products can be secured and properly deployed. The webinar gave an in depth view on how anti virus programs work and where they can be deployed. It also provided an explanation on the differences between anti-virus vs endpoint protection. Another topic we covered were the many difference techniques and applications for anti virus software. This webinar gave a good insight into the many different hacking issues companies face now a days in the business world. It was a good dive into the many things we may run into once we finish school and are working full-time jobs in the IT world.

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