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I have learned a lot so far here at Temple, but two of my classes have made an impact on my education. In my Data Science class, I learned about big data and how it impacts society. I also learned how to analyze data and turn it into visualizations and infographics so others can truly understand the data at hand. Why Care About College was another class that changed the way I think about education. Exploring how people think and learn and applying it to the modern day University lifestyle allowed me to rethink how I learn and go about my coursework. Since the end of that class, I have changed my style of studying and have noticed better understanding of my course materials. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I learned from a required GenEd, and I most importantly learned that even classes outside of your major can have a large impact on your overall education.


Currently I am enrolled in Data Analytics and Data-Centric Application Development, and am very excited to learn more about programming and advanced data analysis. Programs like SQL are key to organizing and storing data within an organization. Having strong coding proficiency is also an important skill to have as this makes you well-rounded asset to a company. I have interests in data analytics and also using them to display information to different departments who might need to see their data and numbers visually. Seeing numbers is one thing, however applying them to a powerful visual is a great way for teams to work with and better understand data.

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