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homelibraryI like to relax and read books. Reading keeps the mind healthy, and it’s nice to read from something other than a screen. You can learn so much from books – you can learn about the world and about yourself, too. When the Internet in my house went out, I took it as a sign that I should be reading more books. I like to read both fiction and non-fiction. My favorite fiction piece is White Oleander by Janet Fitch, and my favorite non-fiction work is The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan.

I also love to go shopping, which is ironic seeing as I’m relatively frugal. I like to find the absolute best deals, find out how to get the most value for my money. When I was a manager with Vector, I would tell my representatives, “It’s not about the price – it’s about what you get for what you pay.” I think I have a very strong sense of value, and i make smart decisions as the where to save, and where to invest.

Fine foods are another interest of mine. I love trying new restaurants and new cuisines. I think Italy will serve me well in this respect! I can’t wait to try the meats, cheeses, pastas and wines.


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