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  1. Information about the organization (e.g., type, size, location, specific division/department in which you will be employed)

I will be working at Protiviti in their Internal Audit and Financial Advisory- Technology side. I will be joining in their Philadelphia office .

2. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)

I will be starting at a position of a Junior C1 Consultant.

  • I will be participating in meetings with process owners to understand key business processes and IT controls for Sarbanes Oxley Audits.
  • Evaluated IT environments and controls for risk analysis, compliance with reporting requirements, and to ensure proper security measures were in place, such as system administration and password parameters.
      • Work with different Senior Consultants and managers and start audits and write workpapers.
      • 3.How the job relates to your major (describe how you will apply course work to the job or which course(s) helped you get this job).

MIS has been really helpful because most of the classes that I took from Data Analytics to IT architecture has exposed me to applications that are used in the work environment from SQL to understanding of servers and firewall(Microsoft Azure). All the classes that I have taken so far has helped me understand the IT side and makes it fun for me.

  1. Once approved, the description is automatically displayed in a post on your e-portfolio.

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